So here we are already in the middle of March, WOW!! Somedays I think I can hear the clock ticking and other times it seems like it is flying by! I am in my 14th week of pregnancy and still have my good and bad days. I am convienced that if you are this sick while you are pregnant the doctor should go ahead and include the cost of veners!! haha! Now, its the countdown until we have our sonogram to determine the gender!! I can't wait! People ask me all the time if I want a girl this time or another boy? Honestly, I would take either!! I love the fact that I already have everyyyyything boy and would love to use it again! Hudson is still unsure of what is going on. When you ask him where the baby is he either looks at you like your crazy or says Aunt Amy...Aunt Amy is Tyler's sister who is due in April and we can't wait, I repeat CAN'T wait! She once again didnt find out the gender of this one and it is driving me crazy! I am convienced it is a girl so I buy all girl things!! Guess we can only wait and see! Her little boy, cousin Grady is 6 months older than Hudson and they have the best time together. These other two little bambinos will be about the same difference in age and I am so excited to see all these kids grow up together!
Anyway, I still give many kudos to Tyler for being such a fab husband and great dad the last few months. He continues to take Hudson fishing during any of his spare time which I know he doesnt mind that at all! This last weekend Tyler took Hudson to Nocona to see Pappy. Tyler's dad is apart of the southwestern rondezvous group that get together every so often. If you are like me I had NO clue what this is a pre 1840's event that takes place all over the country. Everything that you use must be during that era from your shotguns, tents, clothing, and shoes. They have cooking events, muzzle loading contests, and much more. Tyler took Hudson to civilian day on Sunday to see his Pappy and they had such a good time.
On another mom sold her house and will be moving at the end of the month! I am so exicted for her yet sad at the same time. We have been over there as much as we can trying to decide what to keep and what to sell. Lets just put it this way...she is moving from a 3000+ square foot home to one about 1500 square feet. Not only is she cleaning out the 16 years that we all lived there but the other 35 that my grandparents did. LOTS and lots and lots of things we have found! Hudson helped for a little bit on Saturday and found him some golf clubs! He even opted to take them fishing to use as his pole!! Hey, I am soooo ok with that. I would love a little golfer!
Golfing with a rock and a ball! |
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